Julie gave me the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten, tickets to see one of my favorite actors, James McAvoy, get interviewed in NYC. We took the train in and got to have lunch with my nephew, Jed, Mi Soon, and their unbelievably cute baby, Maia. It was great to see them. Then we cabbed it over to the event. The Times was hosting it so we got to go to their headquarters, which I thought was really neat-o. I’m usually frozen when it comes to talking in front of a crowd but, thanks to Julie poking me, I popped right up and got to ask him the first question. You know what the coolest thing about it was? When something abstract, like what a movie star represents to you, turns into something real, like there's an actual person and I'm talking to him, you get this great sense of possibility. I don't mean possibility with that person; I mean possibility in the world. Do you know what I mean? Like when you see the Eiffel tower in person. Suddenly something that was only an idea is a real thing and the world comes more alive or something. I don't know if that makes sense. Aaaaanyway, it was great fun.
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