St. Patrick's Day Crawfish Boil 2007

Shane had his annual crawfish boil at my house this year. It was SO fun! Don't they look great? The photos with particularly good lighting and composition were taken by Kirk's friend. I'm sorry I forgot her name or I would give her credit here.

Zataran's and propane consultation
Shane (the cook - thank you for another great feast!), Stuart, and Jay

Grace bravely holding some live bugs

Waitin tuh git berled

A batch is ready!

Digging in. By the way, thank you so much, Erin and Tiger, for the use of the tables!

I think my hammock is eating people.

Lone Star beer chickens
Thank you, Kirk, for cooking up the sausages and chickens!
And thank you everybody else who brought sides, especially Joni who couldn't make it but still sent along crab stuffed fish!

What St. Patrick's Day gathering would be complete without the traditional log toss competition....

....and the traditional regalia

Kirby completely surprised me! I had no idea she was flying in from Atlanta. She interviewed for a job that week and got it. She and Jimmy are moving back to Austin in June! Yea!
For those of you who've only heard me talk about this part of my circle of friends - that's me, Kirby, and Jim Lackett - not to be confused with Kirby's Jim Flores.

Dominic is getting his pinata strategy worked out. We used Lee's gigantic Guiness hat as the blindfold.
Lee also made a pinata for the "grown-ups" that had beer holders, tiny bottles of alcohol, and air fresheners for the car.
Thank you, Lee, for bringing the pinatas! They were really fun.

Happy Birthday, George! Bernie, you look entirely to serious. Have another beer.
Daniel and Zaylyn in the background. Good luck in Seattle, Daniel!

Daaaaaave....what are you going to do with that whoopee cushion?

Crawfish races - first one out of the circle wins

Shade people
Hi Cindy and Lee!

Another batch is ready
Grace and Benjamin

Some of the kid-o's

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